Line Webtoon: Growing Community and Fame

Line Webtoon: Growing Community and Fame

Genny Kootsouradis, Staff Writer

Webtoon is a free community where writers and artists from all around the world have a chance to show off their talents by designing and publishing their comics. If a comic is published onto the website, the publisher gets paid $2,000 a month or more based on how popular the comic is. Webtoon has around 6.2 million viewers each day and 17 million viewers monthly. Some of the more popular strips have almost 5 million subscriptions.

Webtoon provides many different genres, including romance, comedy, sci-fi, drama, horror, and thriller. Webtoon has comics for all ages and genders.

The writer/artist of a strip called “dustinteractive” is Dustin Rogers, from Cleveland. This strip is put into the genre comedy. Rogers makes

Ethan the Vegan Boa Constrictor

fun of everyday struggles and makes comics from the point of view of different animals. One of his main story lines includes “Ethan the Vegan Boa Constrictor,” who is friends with his food, a mouse.

Riley Jones, an eighth grade student, found out about Webtoon by seeing an ad on Instagram, while Jenny Fu, another eighth grade student, found it on Youtube. Jones has been using Webtoon for about half a year. “I get attached to characters easily,” Jones admitted about why she continues to read Webtoon. She also said that most of the artists who publish their comics aren’t known. “You’re supporting them,” she stated. She recommends comics UnOrdinary, dustinteractive, and Siren’s Lament.

Fu has only been using Webtoon for 2 to 3 months. She explained, “I like seeing what other people make.” She went on to say she enjoyed seeing the work of amateurs and not just professionals, and it would be

Clip from Unordinary

in interest of those who like reading graphic novels or watching anime; she recommends it. She suggested reading the comics, Me On: Be the Shield, My Boo, Lumine, and Adventures of God.“Give it a chance,” she states, “You might find someone who shares the same interests and [you] might bond.”

Webtoon’s famousness continues to grow by the day. The company has made a huge improvement since their creation in 2004. They now have their comics available online in places all over the world.