There are many components that go into our health. It is a known fact that many poor health problems in America start because of the poor nutrition in the country.

New research has been found directly aligning with weight loss in the world. This new research from the Open Association for Research Society, indicates that ‘Brown fats’ or ‘good fats’ help burn calories and generate heat for your body. In obese people, a lot of the time there is too much white fat–more than brown fat, which is bad because the brown fat needs to break down the white fat to make energy. This new research proposes a new way to control and manipulate ‘brown fats’, by ingesting a key protein. This researcher can then use this information to help obese people get back to a healthier weight.
Going off of that, a question one could ask is how these obese people get to a place where they have to resort to those unfamiliar key proteins to lose weight. Two key factors in obese people’s weight problem are their diet and their environment.

Obesity correlates with and the foods we ingest. The heathier food a person eats, the better this person will perform, not only physically but mentally too. The NIH adds to this by saying that eating nutrient-dense foods or healthy foods, “help you keep up with the demands of your busy life and be there for the people who depend on you.”
Eating nutritiously will cause a decline in obesity rates. then fewer Americans will have to resort to experimental fixes to weight problems in America.
An example of these ‘healthy’ and ‘nutritious’ diets are simply eating foods that produce the necessary energy for your body. There are certain food groups that make up a balanced diet; this diet would be ideal to make sure you have enough nutrients to fuel your body.
Many people learn the main food groups in elementary school: fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy. However, many Americans don’t follow their recommended amount of food in each food group. For example, According to the N.H.S, “9 out of 10 Americans are not getting enough fruits and vegetables each day.” Eating whole foods helps keep the body balanced and healthy.

When asked about nutrition, Ms. Hastings, a Mayfield Middle School mathematics teacher, said, “I push my family to eat healthy, without any processed chemicals.” Hastings adds to this point by saying that, “It’s hard to buy healthy foods all the time in America.”
She also noted that cost can be an obstacle for some families. “Healthy food is more expensive, as well as harder to find and prepare.”
Maintaining a healthy diet in America can be hard because of increasing prices of whole foods and the increasing accessibility and convenience of ‘unhealthy,” more processed foods. These fast foods or processed foods usually have high levels of saturated fats, and those saturated fats then help the development of white fats or ‘bad fats’.

Ms. Saunders, another Mayfield Middle School teacher, notes that she tries to make sure her diet avoids processed foods a majority of the time. She does this by “making sure most of her items come from the perimeter of the grocery store rather than from the aisles.” But she adds, “I do not always eat nutritiously. I enjoy high-calorie and high-fat meals, but I always try to do so in moderation.”
While eating nutritiously is a good thing, research shows that enjoying the occasional indulgent meal or snack can be a good step toward making positive changes while also satisfying cravings. This new mindset shows that you can be a nutritious eater while still enjoying the foods you like. The key is moderation.
The problem with the overweight population in America is that those indulgent meals become an everyday diet for them. And this diet leads to more and more weight gain, and poorer health. Moderation and balance are the two keys to a healthy lifestyle. Making sure you get enough nutrients for your body is the most important thing.
Whatever your specific thoughts on nutrition are, one thing’s for certain: healthy, whole food is good for you. Prioritizing it is the first step as we strive for a healthier future.