September brings flooding to regions across the globe
This summer’s storm season ended with a string of devastating floods.
On September 28, Hurricane Ian, affected multiple parts of Florida. It destroyed many houses and buildings. The flood water even went up to 8-10 feet above ground level, and the wind speed at max was 155mph.
Thousands of people evacuated their homes, either to a shelter, or just as far away as they could get. Due to the number of people were affected by this storm, it ranks as one of the most dangerous storm systems in several years, measured as a level 5 hurricane. The damage is still being fixed, and it is estimated that some coastal neighborhoods will take years to fully rebuild.
On September 17th, in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, heavy rains destroyed the land with landslides. In El Salvador, one person died in a river due to flooding. In Guatemala, cars were destroyed, and people had to be rescued after the river dam broke. Many houses were ruined or at least phased by the rain. All of the rivers were at the flow point or about to overflow.
In Honduras, the floods started because of rivers overflowing. According to authorities, someone even died during the flooding. Over 60 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged, and hundreds of people had to evacuate their homes in fear.
In Nicaragua, rain fell at a rate of about 4 inches per hour. The flooding damaged over 100 houses, and many were forced to evacuate.
Other flooding occurred on September 23rd in Venezuela. Flash floods killed a few of the people in a tourist group near La Molina Creek, and others went missing.
In Caldas, Colombia, on September 3rd, a river and creek overflowed because of heavy rain. Three died in this flood, and many houses were slightly wrecked or completely ruined. Many bridges and public structures are ruined also, and the city is trying its best to fix everything.
Overall, all of these floods are terrifying and heartbreaking for the families who were affected by them.