2022 Volleyball season wrap up
The 8th grade volleyball season is now at its end for the year. The 8-week season closed with 18 games and 9 wins. The Mayfield team played against Riverside, Madison, Mentor Shore, Eastlake, Willoughby, Chardon, Kenston, Willowick, and Mentor Memorial.
Zoe Rocco, one of the team’s players, said the season went very well. Her favorite part was the bus rides and bonding with her teammates. One player she thought really stood out was Mila Sugar for being a good hype man. Zoe feels that their biggest competition was Riverside.
Abby Havel agrees that the season was good. Abby also really enjoyed the bus rides with her teammates. She thinks that Bailey really stood out and improved on the team. One strategy they used was by setting goals going by 5s, such as being the first team to 5, first to 10 and so on. Abby felt that Kenston was their biggest competition.
Annelyse Conley felt that the season was good. She loved celebrating the wins with her teammates. Annelyse says that Chaycee really stood out because she came in late but is a very good hitter. Annelyse agrees with Abby that Kenston was their biggest competition.
The 8th graders final tournament was on Saturday, October 15, where they came in 6th place.
Along with the great season the 8th graders had, the 7th graders also demonstrated solid performance throughout this year’s volleyball season. In an interview with Coach Jenkins, she shared the key details of this season. She notes that, “By the end of the season, the team really improved their communication skills with each other.” While that was the team’s strength, they needed to improve on court awareness and making quicker transitions.
The 7th grade volleyball team’s biggest rival was Willoughby. Jenkins notes, ”We lost to them in the tournament championship in very close games, 21-25 and 23-25.”
Coach Jenkins also shared the most notable players of this season. “Lucy Coletta and Ava Morelli always had a positive attitude. Lea Nemer had an awesome serve. Liv Springer and Sasha Bird were the most improved.”
The 7th graders placed 2nd overall in their tournament on October 8th.
One highlight of the season was hosting a game in honor of Calvin Clark. They were selling Cal’s Crew t-shirts and sweatshirts. They also had a 50/50 raffle and bake sale to raise money. All proceeds went to Cal’s Crew.
Overall, this season ended on a good note with lots of fun. Great job to all the players for many great wins and amazing plays.