Why Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest NBA player ever

Wilt Chamberlain is one of the best NBA players of all time, far surpassing any player, including Micheal Jordan.
The first reason why Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest player of all time is his stats. He managed to score 100 points in 1 game, and averaged 50.4 points per game, according to NBA.com. Wilt also averaged 27 rebounds in his rookie year and has gotten 55 rebounds in a game.
When Wilt was playing in the ’60s, blocks were not recorded for a long time. And if they were, Wilt would average the most of all time. The fact that blocks weren’t recorded is a big reason why he isn’t considered the best.
Wilt also had a relatively short career after he retired after being in the league for 14 years, which is why he only scored 30,000 points in his career. He stated that he could beat Michael Jordan in a 1 on 1 basketball match.
The second reason why Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest NBA player ever is his accolades and records. Coming from NBA.com, Wilt Chamberlain holds 72 NBA records, which is also a record for most records held by one individual player. He has the record for most points scored in a game along with most points averaged in a season. Also, he has the record for most rebounds averaged in a season, along with many more records.
He also has many accolades. Wilt went 18/18 in field goals, which is the highest ever recorded. Wilt has been on the NBA first and the second team ten times. He is also a 13-time member of the all-star team. He also has four Most Valuable Player awards.
Wilt is a very under-rated athlete. According to trackandfieldnews.com, in college, Wilt went undefeated in shot put for track and field. He also won the big 8 high jump in his junior year of college. Wilt used to lift weights with Arnold Schwarzenegger and managed to get his bench press up to 500 pounds. With a 48-inch vertical, he could clear 6 feet 6 inches in the high jump, and he ran the 880m in less than 2 minutes.
Wilt Chamberlain is the greatest professional athlete to ever play the sport of basketball. Most people say Michael Jordan is the greatest, but Wilt has many achievements to make people think differently.
Who do you think is the best basketball player of all time?