Yearbook Design Contest

Here are just a few of the great designs submitted.

Hand-drawn or computer-made, designs for the yearbook are submitted each fall–late November to early December– by MMS students. Over twenty sixth through eighth-grade students participated, entering their best ideas of how to represent the Wildcats. This year’s winner was the geometric design of eighth-grade Hele student, Mariana Quinones.


The yearbook cover contest and the yearbook design is run by art teacher Mrs. Vokic.   Students can submit any amount of cover designs. So far, the most one student has submitted is four entries. Getting selected means a $20 cash award and having your design immortalized on the 300 to 400 yearbooks sold each year.

The process of choosing the winning design is very selective. Mrs. Vokic stated, “Mrs. Pahor and I select the top three to five entries based on overall craftsmanship, creativity and design.  We then post them to the staff, and they vote on their favorite.  The entries are all published in and throughout the student pages as decorative elements.”

The guidelines for the design are pretty open-ended. Designs must be original and can be drawn, computer-generated, painted, or even collaged.  The words Mayfield Middle School as well as 2017-2018 must be on the cover, and it must be in a vertical format.

Although the yearbook contest has passed there is still time place an online order for the yearbook at through March 2, 2018.