Roasting Jake Paul

“Jake Paul” is a name that you will hear many teens or pre-teens say these days, whether they are one of his nine-year old fan-girls or one of the many people, including me, who hate him. This Cleveland-born YouTuber with more than eleven million followers, rose to fame on the former app Vine. This fired Disney star has been accused of bullying, has made his neighbors struggle, has constantly put out fake drama for attention, and is an overall bad person.
Jake Paul has no sense of humility and only cares about numbers. In many of his videos, including his hit single, “It’s Everyday Bro,” he brags about many of the luxuries he has, including his religious fan base, his Lamborghini, his Disney show, and his expensive clothing but takes no time to share gratitude for those who got him to his position. The video is currently the fourth most disliked video on YouTube.
One You-Tuber, Alissa Violet, also accused Jake Paul of causing emotional damage to her when she was his girlfriend. She talks about her toxic relationship with Jake in her video titled, “What you have been waiting for.” According to Violet, He would constantly bring other girls to the house and Alissa would have to welcome them, then cry herself to sleep. She also states that their relationship was only played out to be perfect for the camera while everything was really different in reality. She also claimed Jake was also incredibly nasty: “He would play all these mind games. He would literally tell me he loved me one day, then tell me he hates my guts the next day.”
Another thing many dislike about Jake is the fact that he and his group of associates called “Team 10” had made their neighbors’ lives a literal circus. Team Ten made its address public, leading to incredible amounts of traffic, damage, and crowds of teenage fans coming to the house. If that wasn’t enough, Jake also held a stunt in which he threw furniture and set it on fire. Some of the neighbors reported that the fire eventually grew bigger than their houses. The neighbors were not happy and fired a lawsuit against him. Days later, he was released by Disney from his show “Bizaardvark.”
The only thing that Jake is good at is keeping attention to himself; he is constantly creating fake drama. In a recent video, Jake claimed that his assistant was clothes-lined by another popular Youtuber, Faze Banks (who is also Alissa’s new boyfriend). Though Faze claimed that he may have hit Jake’s assistant by mistake while dancing, recent evidence shows that either the bruise that was featured on the video was fake or that she had the scar before the event had even occurred. Many even pointed out that it takes almost 4-5 days for a bruise to become as purple as the video showcased, and the video was recorded a day after the incident allegedly occurred.
Jake also happens to have incredibly dull-witted logic. He is constantly attacked by other YouTubers, and every time this happens, Jake looks no further than saying his catchphrase “Dab on them haters” and talking about every nice thing he has done. He constantly brags about all the charity he does and then manipulates his immature audience into believing that a “nice” thing cancels out a dreadful thing. This is clearly shown in his song “Youtubers diss track.” As charity is considered a noble act, bragging about it negates any likability it may have otherwise earned him.
As a teen himself, Jake was a bully, despite the line in his “Youtubers diss track.” where he says “Where was y’all at when I was in the lunchroom / Stopping kids from getting bullied?” Many of his former classmates have come with stories opposing Jake’s claim. One writes, “My mom back in 5th grade: ‘he’s just a bully, he won’t succeed in life’. My literal 5th grade bully now, no joke”(referring to Jake). Some other classmates also joined in with their stories. One accused him of poking her with blades of grass and another said that he rode a bike over her friend’s car. Jake even accepted that he was a bully in his new song, where he says, “yeah I was a 5th grade bully/ still regret that ain’t cooley.”
I think what makes me the most angry is that even after so many controversies, Jake refuses to change his behavior. To me and many others, Jake will always be immature and childish character.