Photography Club Booms
In September, Photography Club started up again. Facilitated by Mr. Paydo, one of the school guidance counselors, the club is open to anyone from sixth through eighth grade who has a passion for photography.
This year brought record interest, with some even being wait-listed for participation and Mr. Paydo separating into two groups to meet on different days.
Photography Club was started by two sixth-grade Mayfield students in 2015, Gloria Price and Dena Leydiker.
Photography club focuses on teaching students the importance of perspective and angles to enhance a picture.
One member, eighth grader Meg Linsky, said, “I love taking pictures of something you wouldn’t normally, and making them look interesting.”

A common favorite of the student photographers is nature shots. Mr. Paydo urges the students to watch how nature changes as the months pass. One club activity is for students to take the same picture of something in nature each time the club meets.
At the end of each year, there is a gallery walk attended by staff, students, and parents. This is the time for students to show others their work and for them to be proud of what they have achieved. “I really enjoy showing my work and I think it’s a great way to boost self confidence,” says Linsky.

“The gallery walk gives students something to work towards when they are taking pictures,” says Mr. Paydo. When students try their best on every photo, they have to have many to choose from for the gallery walk.
Photography can not only be done during a school club. You can go out and take some shots, and see what images you can capture.