Vocal Dimensions Earn Honors at Cedar Point Competition

Vocal Dimensions competed at the “Music in the Park” competition held at Cedar Point on Saturday, May 13,2017, taking first place in their division out of twenty-five other schools.

The group, led by David Bright, sang and danced to four songs. “Lights” by Ellie Goulding was the warm up song, meaning the judges could not comment. Competition songs were “Broken Wings” by Mister Mister, the ballad “See you Again” by Charlie Puth and their final song “Love Runs Out” by One Republic.

In addition to the first-place finish, soloist Carolina Tellado was awarded “Outstanding Vocal Soloist.”  And out of twenty-nine bands and choirs, Vocal Dimensions was given the ‘Esprit de Cours’ award for a good attitude throughout the competition.

After the competition, members of the group had time to enjoy the park and rides.  Being the eighth-grade group’s last time to perform together, they went out on a good note.