United or Divided: The Current Situation with United Airlines

United or Divided: The Current Situation with United Airlines

Alexis Thomas, Staff Writer

In today’s world, we are becoming more and more dependent on traveling through air. However, if you are a frequent flyer of United Airlines, you might want to rethink your airline provider. United Airlines has been over their wings in legal fees recently, causing fliers to become more and more upset due to the changes and events caused while trying to reach their destination.

The first time attention was being raised to United Airlines was in March of 2017.  Shannon Watts was flying to Minneapolis and was stopped by a flight attendant, telling her that her attire was not appropriate.Shannon Watts was wearing an athletic top with a pair of leggings. Subsequently after boarding, Shannon and several other teens were kicked off the plane. But, they were far from “over” the situation. Shannon took to twitter with a quite hasty post.She tweeted “A 10-year-old girl in gray leggings. She looked normal and appropriate. Apparently @united is policing the clothing of women and girls”. United saw Shannon’s post and responded, saying the girls violated their dress code. Since the girls were dependents of United Airlines employees, they were given a specific dress code of items that were and were not appropriate. According to the United Airlines Guideline for dependents of employees, “we ask that your attire and conduct are consistent with a professional environment.”. 

This was not the only incident that United suffered from recently. The airlines landed themselves in hot water again after they pulled 76 year old David Dao out of his seat on a flight to Chicago. Dao boarded his plane safely, before securing his seat. However, United crew members needed to get on this same flight, which caused the flight to become overbooked. Flight attendants did one of their typical call for volunteers willing to give up their seats, but they did not have enough people forfeit them. Through random selection, they chose Dao, but he refused the offer and remained seated. Eventually, law enforcement dragged Dao off of the plane, causing him to hit his head on seats several times, and ended with a concussion. This caused a huge media uproar and call to boycott United Airlines.
United responded to both of these incidents and apologized for the way they were handled. However, their stocks have taken a hit and went down by 4.24 percent as a result. They have lost millions of their loyal customers and, instead, have gained many protesting people.