The Heart Of Mayfield Middle

Mayfield Middle School has many helpful staff, but one staff member who stands out to everyone is Mrs. Knapp. She has worked at Mayfield Middle for 10 years.
Who is Mrs. Knapp? She is not only the school nurse, but someone who is kind and caring. Mrs. Knapp went to Lake Erie College for her Sociology degree and then attended Cleveland State for her masters. Mrs. Knapp not only loves to help people but she also likes to travel. She has been to New York, Florida, Puerto Rico, Paris, England and even Canada. In her spare time, Mrs. Knapp enjoys reading, baking, shopping with her two daughters, and playing with her pitbull, Bella.
Mrs. Knapp worked at St. Anselm school and also one of Mayfield’s elementary schools, Millridge, before coming to the Middle School. Mrs. Knapp has worked at all school levels, but says that she prefers the Middle School because,“I can have conversation with the kids. With high schoolers, they can be too busy.”
Being a school nurse is not an easy job. Constantly being around sick and hurt kids is stressful for anyone. Throughout the day, Mrs. Knapp sees plenty of students, from nosebleeds to stomach aches, and helps each student as best she can. One of the busiest times of the day for Mrs. Knapp is lunch. Many students who have diabetes or take medication when they eat have to stop by her office around their lunchtime to make sure everything is in check. When asked about the most serious medical situation that has happened at the school, she remembered a time “when one student had a really bad head gash.” Another serious medical condition was when a student had a serious asthma attack to the point where they could not breathe.
Mrs. Knapp has helped so many students and will help so many more. The next time you go to her office for something, if it is a bandage or even ice, take a moment and ask how her day is going, or ask how her dog Bella is doing. Make sure to thank her for all she does, though, for not just you but for all the students and staff at Mayfield Middle School.