Disturbance at Beachwood Mall Sparks Rule Change for Minors

On December 26, Beachwood Mall went into chaos just after 6:30 pm when a group of 500 young adults faked a shooting.
The incident reportedly began as a prank, organized on social media. According to FOX News 8, the disturbance began near the food court with sounds meant to be misunderstood as gunfire. The event resulted in crowds of people fleeing the mall as well as some reported theft, the majority of which occurred at Sax Fifth Avenue. The authorities were called, and the mall was closed for a short time. No one was injured, and only one juvenile was arrested.
According to Cleveland News 19, on January 3, less than a week after the incident, Beachwood Mall implemented a new policy: anyone under the age of eighteen must be escorted by an adult, aged 21 or over, on Friday or Saturday from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. The new program, called Parental Guidance Required, or PGR, will mean that those who appear to be under eighteen will be asked for proof of age at the door. Those under eighteen will not be permitted in without adult supervision, and those who are eighteen will be given a wristband to indicate age to security staff.
Some Mayfield students were present when this event occurred. Eighth-grader Johnny Gaudio states, “It was very scary at first, but then I realized it wasn’t even a gun I heard, it was almost like a popping noise.” Johnny also said that a fight had broken out before the gunfire was staged. “It sounded so real,” said. “Later me and my friends watched some of the kids get removed by the police.”
Another eighth-grade student, Cidney Walker, said she was knocked down by a running crowd of people. Cidney states, “I was at the food court when a fight broke out, and people began to gather to see it, then I heard gunshots, so I ran…I ended up falling, and people were so mean! They pushed me and stepped on me like I wasn’t even there.” Cidney then ran into the store PINK, where the staff locked her and other customers in until the crowds had passed.
For now, with the passage of the new PGR policy, Mayfield students will have to be sure a parent is with them if visiting Beachwood Mall on a Friday or Saturday night. As shown on social media posts and online comments, the new rule has caused some anger from residents as well as questions about fairness and civil rights. But other residents think it is a positive step toward preventing similar incidents.
The mall’s General Manager Neisha Vitello released the following statement: “All are welcome at Beachwood Place at any time – we simply require that during certain weekend hours, families spend their shopping time together. Providing a pleasant and comfortable experience for our guests is our top priority. The PGR program is intended to enhance the shopping experience in ways the entire community will appreciate.”